Tuesday, 31 March 2015








  • チョコレートピンス
  • いちごピンス
  • ミルクピンス
  • 緑茶ピンス
  • お餅ピンス
  • アイスクリームピンス




  1. ボウルを用意して
  2. 凍った牛乳か氷
  3. フルーツを用意して小さくを
  4. おもちやあずきをのせて
  5. あとは、フルーツシロップや甘い蜜をかけるだけ!



Bing Su 빙수 (氷水)

Bing Su 빙수 (氷水)

Bingsu is ice flakes with syrup. It is very popular in summer because it’s very cold. It is very

famous, popular, and common in Korea. There are many companies famous for Bingsu such as

Sulbing, SnowFlowerbingsu, and etc. Typical cafes in Korea also have bingsu.

History of Bing Su

One theory:

In the Joseon Dynasty period, when the ice was kept and was used with great care, people

started to make ice flakes, making Hwa Che (Ice food similar to Bing Su). Creating food out of

ice have developed and soon became Bing Su.

Another theory:

The very original Bing Su is not from Korea. It was Chinese snack called ‘Frozen Milk’.

However, as this spread out, it has changed, with very different type of Frozen Milk and it was

not called Frozen Milk anymore. Korea started making their own snack inspired by the ‘Frozen

Milk’ and that is now we call Bing Su.

I honestly believe that the second theory of Bingsu is not correct because Korea’s first Bingsu

was not made out of milk, but made out of ice. People started using milk instead of ice later on

and recent.

Original Bingsu in Korea

The original Bingsu is Patbingsu which is red bean bingsu. It is made out of ice flakes, red bean,

rice cake (injulmi), fruits (strawberry, pineapple, orange, etc), milk, and sweet syrup.

Different types of Bing Su

● Chocolate Bingsu

● Strawberry Bingsu

● Milk Bingsu

● Green Tea Bingsu

● Rice cake Bingsu

● Ice cream Bingsu

there are many other types of Bingsu in Korea. Since it is very popular nowadays, new and

developed Bingsu are coming out. There are different fruit Bingsu too.

How to make Bingsu?

Bingsu is very simple and easy to make. Only about 5 steps will be fine.

1. Get a bowl.

2. Get frozen milk or ice to make flakes out of them.

3. Get fruits and cut them in pieces to make it easy to eat and spread them out in the flakes

4. Put rice cake (injulmi) and cooked red bean on top.

5. Pour fruit syrup or sweet syrup on top.

Once all the ingredients are prepared, it is very easy to make Bingsu.

Keep your heads up for the coming up blog about Japanese food ...
"What with rice ?!": what Japanese people typically enjoy with rice.

Hope you enjoyed reading xxx
Bye Bye 〜

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

일본의 음식인 오니기리~^^

안녕하세요~ 마코와 승아예요.
오늘 마코가 일본의 음인식 오니기리 (삼각김밥)에 대해서 알려줄려고 해요.

오니기리가 뭘까요?
오니기리는 일본의 유명한 삼각김밥이에요. 동그라미이나 삼각형 모양의 밥에 김을 싼 음식인데 일본에서는 모두가 먹는 국민 음식이래요. 오니기리는 "톤지키"라는 심플한 원조 삼각밥에서 나온 것이에요. 에도시대때  김이 흔해지면서 김으로 싸서 밥이 손에 묻지 않게 할려고 해서 생긴게 편해지면서 사람들로 부터 점점 인기가 많아졌어요. 지금은 대부분 오니기리를 점심으로 먹고 있답니다.

어디서 찾을 수 있을까요?
처음에는 집에서 싸온 도식락으로 먹기 시작했던게 편의점*에서 많이 팔게 되면서 많이 흔해졌어요. 하지만 오니기리만 파는 곳도 많이 있답니다.

*모든 편의점은 10-20 다양한 종류의 오니기리가 있는 코너가 있답니다. 인기 좋은 것들은 많이 팔려요. 가격은 한 1000-2500원 정도 합니다.

  • 具 구 (재료)
오니기리가 일본에서 인기만점인 이유 중 하나는 다양성이에요. 우리 모두 작자 제일 좋아하는 오니기리 재료가 있어 만들거나 사먹는 답니다.

제일 인기있는 것들은....
투나마요 (참치와 마요네즈), 우메보시(짠 자두), 사케(연어), 콘부, 등등이 있어요. 그 중 제일 인기있는 것은 카라아게 (치킨) 이에요.
그리고 더...
재료만이 오니기리의 다양성을 차지하는 것은 아니에요.  
  • 야키 오니기리: 구운 야키와 간장맛
  • 니쿠마키 오니기리: 고기가 김대신 감싼 밥
  • 후리카케 오니기리: 후리카케와 섞은 밥
이렇게 많은 종류가 있답니다.

  • 海苔노리(김)
마코가 위에서 말했듯이 김을 쓰는 이유는 손에 밥이 많이 묻지 않게할려고 하는 것이에요. 하지만 김에 대해서는 할 말이 더 있어요.

파리 파리 노리 VS 싵토리 노리

뭐가 다르고 뭐가 더 나을 까요?
파리 파리(바삭바삭) 과 싵토리(조금 수분이 있는) 질감으로 두 가지의 질감이 있어요. 집에서 만드는 오니기리는 싵토리 같은 질감을 준답니다. 왜냐하면 김은 뜨거운 밥을 감사기 때문에 파리 파리한 김이라도 싵토리 같아져요. 그리고 이런 질감을 좋아하는 사람이 굉장히 많습니다. 싵토리 같은 질감이 있다하면 파리 파리한 김도 있어요. 파리 파리한 김은 더 인기가 있다고 하는대 아마 김의 맛을 더 잘 들어내기 때문인거 같아요. 그래서 일부러 편의점과 집에서는 밥과 김을 따로 분리해 보관한답니다.

shiitori nori  싵토리 노리                      paripari nori  파리 파리 노리

* 자새히 보아야 싵토리와 파리 파리를 구분할 수 있어요!

"산카쿠 오니기리"를 만드는 4단계
제일 흔한 삼각형 오니기리

  1. 차가운 물이 들어있는 그릇을 준비해 주세요. 쌀이 손에 붙지 않도록 시작하기 전 손을 물로 적셔 주세요.

  1. 소금을 손바닥에 뿌려주세요.

  1. 따듯한 쌀을 손바닥에 올려주세요.

  1. 재료가 밥에 들어가 줄 수 있게 쌀 가운데에 구멍을 내고 재료를 넣어 주세요. 쌀로 재료를 감싸서 점점 삼각형 모양을 만들어 주세요.

그럼 끝!

오니기리의 미래
오니기리는 점점 발달되어 많은 회사들이 더욱 쉽고 간단하게 만들 수 있도록 연구를 해요.
예를 들어...
오니기리 통
  • 플라스틱통.. 플라스틱으로 되어 있어 모양이 바뀌지 않도록 해줘요.

  • 실리콘 통

  • 손을 직접 쓰지 않아도 실리콘 통에 밥과 재료를 넣기만 하면 완성!
  • 더 이상 먹고 싶지 않을 땐 냉장고에 넣었다가 다음날 대워 먹어도 맛은 굳!

그리고 더욱 많고 다양한 오니기리가 만들어 지고 있어요.
예를 들어
  • 컵 누들과 만난 오니기리! (누들맛이 난다고 하네요)
  • 캐릭터 오니기리
케릭터를 넣어 아이들이 좋아할 수 있는 오니기리예요.

오니기리는 일본에서 매우 중요한 것중 하나가 되었어요. 오니기리는 일본 정통의 음식이라 많은 사랑을 받았으면 하지만 사람들은 주로 오니기리가 중요하다는 사실을 까먹는거 같아요.

특히 마코는 더 새롭고 재미있는 아이디어로 오니기리가 더욱 많은 사람들에게 알려졌으면 좋겠다네요^^ 하나만이라도 먹어보면 오니기리의 매력에서 빠져나오지 못할 거예요<3

다음 포스트는 한국 음식인 "bingsu"에 대해서 얘기할 거예요. 다음주까지 기다려 주세요 <3

Onigiri ! The most common Japanese food of all xxx

Hello to the world ! It’s Mako and Seung A.
Today, I (M) want to share about a very common food in Japan… Onigiri !!!

What is a “Onigiri” !???
It is Japan’s famous “Rice ball “- the seaweed wrapped around the riceball (triangle or circle shaped). Loved among the soul food for the whole population in Japan!

The origin of Onigiri in the Heian period (1987-) and the inspiration was from a food called “Tonjiki” the simple version of the riceball eaten now. In the middle of Edo period it became popular among many citizen, when the rectangular nori(seaweed) became common and people began to wrap it around the riceball and that enabled people to carrying around it and eat it with no messy hands. Thus lend this to convenience and more people to started eating it until present where it is still very popular eaten mostly for lunch.

 Where do we find it ?
It was firstly most commonly eaten as a packed lunch (homemade), however buying them in convenience stores* have become usual. Also, there are still official shops like, rice shops that sell rice balls too.

*Every convenience store has a onigiri corner (shelf) that contain around 10- 20 varieties of onigiri. But the popular tastes are sold out quite soon. And costs are around $1- $2.5.

  • 具 = Gu (ingredients)

The diversity of Onigiri is one of the reasons why it is popular. We all tend to have our favorite Onigiri Gu that we either make or buy and eat.
The popular ones are …
Tunamayo (Tuna and mayonnaise), Umeboshi (Japanese salty and sour flavored pickled plum), Sake (salmon), Konbu etc.The unusual? but popular one is Karaage (chicken)!
Additionaly …
Not just the Gu that makes the diversity of Onigiris.There are many types of Onigiris such as
  • Yaki onigiri: toasted(Yaki) with soy sauce flavor.
  • Nikumaki onigiri: roasted and flavored meat wrapped round the riceball
  • Furikake onigiri: rice mixed with Furikake(tasty power of many varieties).

  • 海苔 = Nori (seaweed)
As I said in above, the whole aim of the use of nori is to not get messy hands.

However, there is still one more thing to talk about nori which …

Pari Pari nori VS Shittori nori

what’s different? which is better??
So there are basically two types of nori texture,
Pari Pari*crispy or Shittori*dampish(moistened)
Homemade Onigiri tends to become Shittori nori because the nori is wrapped around the hot/ warm rice ball for so long and the heat makes the nori Shittori. And some people love this.
One the other hand,  Pari Pari nori is said to taste better because the crispy texture gives the fresh taste the seaweed itself. This is why convenience store onigiris have a plastic film that separates the nori and riceball until you eat it, and even for homemade ones too, we wrap the seaweed and riceball separately so that we can wrap it before just before eating.

shiitori nori                                       paripari nori

*Look carefully at the seaweed / nori it’s easy to tell the difference

4 steps for making a “Sankaku Onigiri”
the most common (Sankaku)Triangle shaped Onigiri

  1. prepare a bowl containing cold water (colder than the hand temp) and wet your hands so that the rice doesn’t stick

  1. Put some salt onto your palms: for the taste and sterilization.
  2. Put rice onto your palm *Warm rice

  1. Make a hole in the middle for the space of the ingredient, put in the ingredient, and  cover the ingredient from the rice around it and start making the triangle shape*Make a soft “C”shape with both hands and by turning the rice ball around and arranging the shape, 3 or 4 times of repetition will make a soft nice triangle shaped rice ball
  2. >>> Finished

Onigiri’s Future

These days onigiris have been developed, many companies have been tring to reduce the hardness in making, such processes of making its shape, getting messy hands etc.
onigiri cases
  • plastic ones … protects the shape ruining

  • silicon ones...

  • No need of messing up your hands, inside the silicon case you just put in the rice and ingredients and its made!
  • Also, you can make a couple and store them by freezing and heat them up when eating.

Also, more and more varieties of onigiris have come out and has given us many surprises and excitement.
  • Collaboration with instant cup noodle companies (riceball tasting the noodle flavor)

  • Character onigiri:

Mostly common for children's packed lunches, to entertain their lunches mums make cute characters out of onigiri.

Onigiri has been instrumental in Japan society, and I still want onigiri to be respectively eaten because I feel like it is one traditional food that we don’t pay that much attention in daily life, but is always around us supporting our life.

I am looking forward for the new creative ideas in the future, and I want more people from around the world to know about about the fabulosity of onigiri!
Just eat one and you’ll understand what I’m saying ! Hope you try the recipe out !

Thanks for reading xxx
The next post will be about, Korean food … “Pingsu”- Korean shaved ice !
It will be posted next week, so look forward to it !